Japan Today

Patrick McGrath comments

Posted in: An estimated 33% of married couples get a divorce each year, according to the Japanese government. Why do you think the figure is so high and do you think this is a worldwide trend? See in context

The marriage contract is the most important legal contract most men will ever enter into yet it's unwritten and most men have only a vague idea what they're committing to legally. The reason the marriage contract isn't available in clearly written form for men to read and understand before signing is marriage would come to a screeching halt if men actually knew what they were committing to.

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Posted in: Buying a home in Japan: What you should consider See in context

If it's in the right location property in Japan is a good investment. My house in Hokkaido (8,000 tsubo land with mountain stream running thru it which I've owned for twelve years) is near the entrance of what will be Japan's newest national park in the Hidaka Mountains. According to my realtor it's more than doubled in value.

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